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Innovative Thought Leads to Success

My mentor once told me that "innovative thought and convergent reasoning are how products are realized". When it comes to creating strategies for your business, finding a competitve advantge and increasing your market share are the result of innovative thought.

I've often heard the phrase “entrepreneurs recognize opportunities where others see only problems” and when I do it reminds me of the first idea I had for my business. In that vision, there was ingenuity in processes and the success was characterized by diversity. I didn't know it at the time, but that type of innovative thinking is what drives entrepreneurs to succeed.

I'm a highly rational person who has self-confidence and and objectivity about most things. I'm not an egotistical know it all, just assured that my vision for success is what inspires me to go beyond conventional thinking. I don't care what other think, but I do care how I think. As an entrepreneur you have to think outside the box.

It was innovative thought that led a vision of a successful business. From that point on I became increasingly aware of the industry, making every attempt to find gaps in the market that could be filled with my idea. Having industry and market awareness gives you the direction to sniff out potential.

Helping me probably more than anything was going back to school to get my degree. Not only did it help provide market awareness, but being educated in business fundamentals represents the mechanism that has helped me shape a realistic perspective of the market.

I’m more attentive to the operational procedures of businesses I frequent or just pass through. I recognize gaps in the market and I visulize where potential competitive advantages could be.

When I first got into this business, my inspiration was not based on an over-eagerness to simply make a profit. I promised my self I wouldn't be an ambulance chaser or generate customers by trolling someone else’s error, oversight or discrepancies. Instead, I promised myself that I'd be an investor in my own promising ideas and that ideas would be backed by realistic plans that had vision for a successful outcome.

As entrepreneur who knows what success tastes like, its inspiring to believe that my own experience, knowledge and education were all factors that could be attributed to that success. However, I like to think that maybe a small part of my success comes from my own God-given inherent characteristics, where natural entrepreneurial abilities come from pure old-fashioned instinct.

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